1 FIRE! A forest fire has forced the evacuation of an area west of Kelowna, BC. (via CBC)
2 TURKEY CUTS MILITARY TIES WITH ISRAEL And Israel still probably won’t apologize. (via Guardian)
3 DON’T TAKE TOO MUCH TIME NDP Party president Brian Topp warns against rushing into a leadership race. (via Globe & Mail)
4 ON THE LAM Gaddafi’s convoy has been spotted in Niger, but Gaddafi himself, apparently, hasn’t yet. (via Al Jazeera)
5 BECAUSE THERE WAS NO PRECEDENT OF MOUTH-BREATHING SPORTS FANS CAUSING TROUBLE IN THE PAST? An internal review by the Vancouver police department has concluded that there was nothing they could do to prevent the riots in that city this past June. (via Toronto Star)
6 AND AGAIN… World markets continue to falter. (via BBC)
Have a nice day.