Ironically, while Brad Trost and his fellow troglors work to strip women of their right to make their own decisions about the contents of their uteruses, there’s a rights and freedoms thingy in Victoria Park. At noon, festivities will commence for Regina’s mayorally-proclaimed Celebration Of Our Charter Of Rights And Freedoms Day. Speakers start at noon and the topics look like they range from interesting to super-interesting.

Here’s a link to the event’s Facebook page, and a press release with a list of the speakers is after the jump. I’m going to poke my nose in for a bit. Maybe see you there!


September 29th will officially be, by Mayoral Proclamation, “Celebration of our Charter of Rights and Freedoms Day” in Regina and to celebrate we are organising a variety of events in Vic Park.

Come join the festivities to celebrate our Charter:

– Have the Charter’s meaning and ramifications explained by several knowledgeable experts, talks include:

12:00 Gathering in, welcome (Dr. Marc Spooner)

12:10 “Your Freedoms – Use them or Lose Them!” (Cara Banks and Larry Kowalchuk)

12:20 “The Limits of Liberal Rights” (Dr. Emily Eaton)

12:40 “Declaration on the Rights of Mother Earth” (Susana Deranger)

1:00 “Rights and Responsibilities: The Canadian Charter, Power, Activism and Citizenship”. (Dr. Joyce Green)

1:20 “Queering the Church” (Dawn Rolke)

1:40 TBA

2 p.m. Music, sign making, general Celebration of our Charter of Rights and Freedoms

– Get your free fancy copy of the Charter available in 25 different languages

– Make your own, free election-style sign at the “Seeds of Change” signage making table where you can bring the issues you hold dear back home to your respective micro communities.

– Open microphone 2 mins Soapbox/Speaker’s Corner “get your two cents in!” Free Speech zone, And more…

We hope you will come to assert YOUR rights to freedom and to keeping our parks public, free, and open spaces. Thank you to the generous support of RPIRG and URSU!