I love autumn too. Especially after the heat we’ve had the last two months, it’ll be nice have some more moderate temperatures. Although hopefully the season lingers and we don’t rush headlong into winter like we did last year with that mega-blizzard on Oct. 26.
But enough chit-chat about the weather. I’m here to tell you about a show that’s happening tonight at Creative City Centre (1843 Hamilton). Headlining is Olenka & The Autumn Lovers. The London (Ont.)-based group is fronted by Polish emigre Olenka Krakus (far left in above photo) and blends East European influences with Western country and folk traditions.
Doors are at 8 p.m., and tickets are $10 adv. and $12 door. Opening for O & TAL will be Marshall Burns and Erin Passmore who will be familiar to Regina audiences for their work in Rah Rah.
To give you a taste O & TAL here’s video of the band performing “The Decline”.
And if you happen to find yourself in the Warehouse District as opposed to downtown, Moose Jaw alt-country favs The Rusty Augers are playing at Bushwakker at 9 p.m.