Toronto pop punk trio Courage My Love has at least four things going for them:
1. They’re named after a Tragically Hip lyric based on Hugh MacLennan’s CanLit classic The Watch That Ends The Night. EDIT: Whoops, there I go presuming things. I’m way off here. Commenter JB correctly points below out that, according Courage My Love’s own website, their name is taken from a line in the 1936 movie Things to Come, based on the H.G. Wells novel and not on a Tragically Hip lyric, which, for the record, is “Courage, my word”. They get to keep the point because H.G. Wells and old movies are cool.
2. They are young enough to pull off their asymmetrical haircuts.
3. They out-Avril anything the former Mrs. Whibley has done lately.
4. They made this really fun video:

Props to The Snipe for finding the vid first.

UPDATE: A veritable Legion of Super-Walter Flanagan Fans insists that credit be given to one Walter Flanagan, podcaster and comic seller, who wrote the lyrics to “I Sell Comics”. Flanagan is credited for such twice in the video. Should Mr. Flanagan wish to advertise his podcast or comic shop on the Dog Blog, there should be a link on the right side of this page that can get him in touch with prairie dog’s irreproachable advertising team.