SHIFTING BLAME: A Dutch court has ruled that the Dutch state is responsible for the deaths of three Muslim men after they were forced out a UN safe-zone in Srebrenica in 1995. (via BBC)

EVERYONE IS INTERESTED IN MARK ZUCKERBERG: Apparently he’s the most followed person on Google Plus, which is a newish social network anticipated to be Facebook’s biggest rival. I don’t know too much about the Google Plus Project and I’m too tired to look into it myself at the moment. Perhaps you’d like to. (via Los Angeles Times)

NOISY DICKS: The male Lesser Water Boatman (Micronecta scholtzi) is the loudest animal on earth (relatively speaking), and it’s all because of its penis. (via

BECAUSE A NEAR-DEATH EXPERIENCE REALLY WOULD MAKE YOU STOP AND THINK: Divorce parties are on the rise in post-tsunami Japan. (via Globe & Mail)

FAHR’N FAHR’N FAHR’N AUF DER AUTOBAHN: One million Euros “fell out of a truck” while driving on the Autobahn in Bavaria yesterday morning. Sounds fishy to me. The Germans are way too fastidious to let something like that happen. (via Der Spiegel)

HOW IN THE WORLD DID WE MISS THIS?: What with all the whoop-de-doo over what’s-his-name and his wife’s Canadian vacation, we’ve completely dropped the ball on that other new royal couple; Prince Albert II and Princess Catherine of Monaco! They were just married this past weekend and I didn’t hear a thing! Now they’re honeymooning in South Africa! It’s a similar pairing of a non-descript groom with a much better looking bride, and it’s every bit as mind numbingly boring. (via Montreal Gazette)