Still not sure if our writers will come through with blog reviews of the Fringe as we did last year or not. I’ve had some expressions of interest, but as of July 2, to the best of my knowledge, no one has actually stepped forward and made a committment to attend and review any of the plays that will be presented at the festival which runs July 6-10 in the Cathedral Village.
On the off chance that reviews do get written, you can check back here in the next few days. Otherwisewise, you’re on your own. I can tell you that the four venues are St. Mary’s Anglican Church (3337 15th Ave.), Unitarian Fellowship Centre (2700 College Ave.), the Artesian on 13th (2627 13th Ave.) and the Royal Sask Museum Theatre (2445 Albert).
For line-up information visit
Publicity photo above, by the way, is from the production Men Telling Stories which is being presented by That Dinosaur is Blue Productions out of London, Ont.