Yesterday’s Pick of the Day was great, by the way. Opener Wax Mannequin tossed some power crystals into the crowd, unleashed a chrysalis filled with balloons on the crowd, and generally did what he does best: unleash his full-force, one-man combination of tragedy and comedy on the crowd.
The Burning Hell performed as a six-piece, with frontman Mathias Kom telling their tales of European woe and being generally charming. As an encore, Wax came back onstage for a joint cover of “Total Eclipse of the Heart”, which they had recorded for their split seven inch, Hear Some Evil. (The cover photo of which was taken in Bruno, Saskatchewan.)
Most of what the Burning Hell were playing was off their latest album, Flux Capacitor, which I’m just now getting the chance to dig into.
The reason I bring all this up in today’s Pick of the Day? That album title is a reference to the cinematic classic that is Back to the Future. Kom writes in the liner notes: “Mostly, I was thinking about what a really terrific film Back to the Future is, but I was also thinking about the past and the present and the future in my own life and the lives of the people I know.”
Kom’s songs of black comedy and the literally-little things in life match up well with such a theme. Keep in mind if you decide to check out Back to the Future, which is playing in Victoria Park tonight as part of the Cinema Under the Stars series. The movie starts as soon as it goes dark, though you’ll want to show up earlier to get a spot right in the middle of the crowd, away from the casual denizens of Victoria Park and instead surrounded by a throng of kids.