MORE PROOF THAT SOME CALGARIANS HAVE TOO MUCH MONEY. Some family from Calgary has booked a space flight that will cost $200,000 per ticket. (via Vancouver Sun)
THAT WAS CLOSE: The Earth was buzzed by a teensy asteroid on Monday morning. (via Wired)
AND THEN!… Six astronauts had to take cover this morning after space junk was sighted orbiting in their area. What is space junk? It’s litter. Our litter. Because we’re not content with keeping it confined to our own planet. (via Washington Post)
HERE’S A NICE ARTICLE about community farming in Brooklyn, New York. (via Dowser)
FOR SALE: Zsa Zsa Gabor’s Bel Air home is up for sale. Personally, I think whoever buys it should just let Zsa Zsa keep living there. (via The Guardian)
STOCKWELL DAY IS BACK IN BUSINESS. The “government relations” business that is. Which is apparently how lobbyists describe their line of work. In other words, he’s trading a life in politics for a life of political manipulation. Didn’t he say he wouldn’t do that? (via Globe & Mail)