1. THE PROBLEM WITH GPS NAVIGATORS. A Canadian woman has been found in the Nevada mountains after surviving for seven weeks on snow, candy and trail mix. The couple ended up getting stranded after following their GPS navigator’s instructions for the shortest route to the town of Jackpot. Her husband has not yet been found.
2. SASKATCHEWAN GETS TOUCHY-FEELY WITH FLOOD VICTIMS. If you’re bummed out, depressed, stressed or existentially numbed by Saskatchewan’s Unexpected Moisture Surplus this year, the Ministry of Health is there for you. Emergency health management consultant Merv Tippe has been travelling to affected communities to provide “critical incident stress management” information. So far this has not involved identifying the most stressed-out people and forcing them to fight in gladiator matches for the entertainment of the community. But I’m pretty patient when it comes to these things.
3. MANITOBA GETS ALL THE BEST FLOOD VISITORS. Undoubtedly, a visit from Merv Tippe benefits a stressed-out Saskatchewan flood victim. But if you’re a damp Manitoban, you may just get a visit from Stephen Harper. Harper is visiting Manitoba to tour an area scheduled for controlled flooding, but who knows? Maybe he’ll take the time to visit with victims and comfort the afflicted. Imagine the joy that a visit from Harper will bring to a young child’s life! As long as he doesn’t have to, you know, touch anyone.
4. RENT INCREASE NOTICES AREN’T BUDGING. The Saskatchewan government has put the kibosh on increasing advance notice of rent increases from the current six months to a year. This seems like a reasonable decision to me. Of course, there’s still no recourse for tenants when their rents skyrocket by 60 per cent.
5. THIS IS HOW THEY FIND YOU NOW. Metropolitan London police have bought a piece of security software called Geotime, which is capable of tracking suspects’ moves through all the digital chaff they leave behind: cell towers, satellites, cameras, social networking. We already know that your snazzy new iPhone keeps track of your movements – it’s not surprising that police forces are starting to follow the trail of our clown-shoe sized footprints in the digital sawdust.
6. A CAUTIONARY TALE OF DEVELOPMENT. Prairie Dog contributor Emmet Matheson shared this here story of favela dwellers being kicked off their land in preparation for the Olympics and World Cup in Rio di Janeiro. A quick and excellent read.