1 STUFF LIKE THIS IS WHY WE WORRY ABOUT THE CONSERVATIVES The Texas legislature passed a law that’s a naked attempt to guilt-trip-bully women out of their decision to have an abortion. It is prairie dog’s belief that Canada’s Conservatives want to push similar measures here, and will push a social conservative agenda as hard as they can without inciting (democratic) revolt. Prairie dog on the other hand is rabid on this point–a woman’s body is her own property and she can decide to do with it what she likes. Prairie dog does wish more women were equally rabid about this.
2 SCHOOLING THE PROVINCE There was a big rally of angry teachers at the Leg yesterday! Big!
3 BRITISH LIKE BAD DEMOCRACY A voting reform system is headed for a big referendum failure. Boo, Britain–you’re letting us down, too. Hey, here’s a video that explains how it would’ve worked:
(h/t to Ntara Curry)
4 THE BAR MANAGER IS CLEARED A new NDP MP whose nomination papers were the subject of controversy this week has been certified legitimate by Elections Canada.
5 SAD THRASHERS You probably know this, but another NHL franchise is in trouble. As long as they change the name to “Jets” when the franchise moves to Winnipeg, it’s all good.
6 WE’RE MORE CORRUPT! Canada drops to 19th on an anti-corruption list. Here’s the news story and here’s the report’s key findings.
FOLIAGE REPORT! I’ve been busy/out of the office/asleep. No time to take pics the last few days. How’s it looking? Hmm…