As far as Regina neighbourhoods go, North Central is still a work in progress. Resources are still desperately needed to solve many serious problems that continue to plague the area. Slowly but surely, though, the neighbourhood is making progress.

In the mid-90s, conditions were even more troubled. In that year, Common Weal Community Arts, in partnership with a number of local artists and activists, undertook a project called A North Side Story or Two. Working with local youth, they created a community play that explored their neighbourhood’s rich history and the challenges that area residents faced.

Tonight at Albert Scott Community Centre at 7:30 p.m., a video is being screened in which 20 of the original participants reflect back on that summer and what the project meant to them and their community.  Admission is free, and there’s a reception and live entertainment as well. For more info call Common Weal at 780-9442. 

Also, tonight and tomorrow night are your last two chances to catch Regina Lyric Musical Theatre’s production of Baby. With music by David Shire, lyrics by Richard Maltby and book by Sybille Pearson, this show tells the story of three couples with ties to a university campus who are dealing with different stages of parenthood. ShuBox Theatre, University of Regina, May 31-June 1 at 7:30 p.m.