1 FLOODING CONTINUES While some are saying that we may not be hit with the worst case scenario, Saskatchewan now has 15 communities declaring local emergencies.
2 NORTH CENTRAL SHARED FACILITY GETS CASH A cool-sounding project for North Central gets $38 million. Thumbs up to a new school and a new library, among other things.
3 STUPID BIRTHER BILL GETS KNOCKED DOWN Arizona’s governor vetoed a bill that would have required proof of citizenship for candidates to get on the presidential ballot in that state. Because it was a stupid thing! Congrats to Gov. Jan Brewer for recognizing a stupid thing.
4 AMERICA SHRUGGED Atlas Shrugged: Part 1, the first in a trilogy of films based on the Ayn Rand novel, opened down in select theatres in the U.S. Despite all the hype surrounding the film – due entirely to Rand’s objectivist philosophy that permeates the story – it did just OK financially by many accounts. Even conservative movie blog Big Hollywood isn’t pumped about the numbers.
5 PULITZERS ANNOUNCED And, among the award recipients was ProPublica, the first print-free organization to win.
6 IN THE CONTINUING STORY OF ROB FORD Toronto alt-weekly NOW has filed a complaint about the dude with Toronto’s Integrity Commissioner about that whole thing where their magazines got tossed out of public facilities.
BONUS Saskatchewan’s Privacy Commissioner wants people to shape up; Portal was an awesome video game, and the upcoming Portal 2 will probably also be awesome; an NDP candidate pulls out a Jungian reading of his opponents; and your Daily Puppy is Etta.