I’ve been watching the polls for Saskatchewan kind of obsessively and have been depressed a lot as a result. The Conservatives have been so far out in front I’ve been assuming that Harper would walk away with a bunch of wins here — despite all the ranting and raving we’ve been doing in the p-dog of late.
Well, I’m pleased to discover that some recent polling is more optimistic (if you’re one of those people who’d like to see Harper lose some support around these parts). Seems the NDP surge that people are talking about in Quebec and BC is happening here too. Have a look at these charts that I’ve lifted off projectdemocracy.ca.
First, here are the projections for my riding, Palliser:
This is a roll-up of an Ekos poll from April 21 and a Nanos poll from April 22. Just a few days ago, Nanos had Ray Boughen slaughtering the NDP’s Noah Evanchuk. Now, the NDP have a slim lead.
Now, here’s how things look in Regina – Qu’appelle:
Again, this is a roll up of an Ekos poll from the 21st and a Nanos poll from the 22nd. And again, a few days ago it really didn’t look like NDP candidate and city councillor Fred Clipsham had a chance. Now, he’s neck-and-neck with Con golden-boy, Andrew Scheer.
As for Regina-Lumsden-Lake Centre, have a look. (Again, a rollup from the same Ekos and Nanos polls as above.):
NDP candidate Brian Sklar still has some ground to make up on self-described fucking old and fucking-A Conservative candidate Tom Lukiwski. But based on these numbers, it’s entirely possible that he could come from behind and take the seat.
Meanwhile, over in Wascana, Ralph Goodale is looking pretty solid, as he has done since the start of polling:
So, it looks at least possible now that Regina voters could deliver a big shock to the Conservatives on May 2. Instead of yet another stronghold of Harper support, our town may get painted NDP orange with a splotch of Liberal red. An exciting prospect.
Clearly though it’s more important than ever that progressives get out and vote — and maybe even consider a little of that “strategic voting” the kids are talking about — because all of these races will be very close. Might I also suggest that you purchase for your Conservative-supporting friends a season of Law & Order: SVU on election day. (Because, I don’t know, that just seems like the kind of show a Conservative voter would really dig.) Then maybe they’ll stay inside watching TV instead of heading to the polls. Just a thought.