Bang the DrumGreetings, Earthlings! This week we’ve got some brand new music from Toronto’s Andrew Vincent, who used to be Ottawa’s Andrew Vincent, and before that he was North Bay’s Andrew Vincent. But he’ll always be Our Andrew Vincent to us.

We met Andrew back in 2003, when he was touring in support of his brilliant I Love the Modern Way album. He played at the short-lived Scarth Street venue that started out as Cafe Ultimate and ended up as the Easy Alibi. We were already impressed with the record, but we became lifelong fans of Andrew Vincent that night, as you can see by the photo below. He brought his brother Colin along to play drums. Colin Vincent just happens to be a minor Ottawa poet and he read at the show. Just to prove that I wasn’t the only one there that night, here’s video of Colin Vincent at Cafe Ultimate, reading his salubrious ode to CBC Radio personality Shelagh Rogers.

Andrew is releasing a new EP tomorrow called Keep It That Way. Considering the guy made us wait nearly six years between his previous albums, a 2011 EP following up a 2009 LP is pretty dang okay. Here’s the title track.

Digging around AV’s Bandcamp page, we noticed that he has music posted there from his two most recent long-players Rotten Pear (2009) and I Love the Modern Way. So here are our favourite cuts from those records.

Emmet Matheson is an independent investigator of knock-knock jokes & a collector of Mexican detective novels who blogs at A Bulldozer With a Wrecking Ball Attached. You can e-mail him at: bulldozerDOTwreckingballATgmailDOTcom