1 NEW SASKATCHEWAN HOUSING PLAN Where only some of the $252 million not going towards home ownership will go into rental units, and that doesn’t feature any plans for rental control. Colour me unimpressed.

2 WALL SITS THIS ONE OUT Brad says he’s not going to be too vocal about this federal election, though if you’re curious, he’s voting Conservative.

3 OBAMA SPEAKS, RAND PAUL REACTS Last night, Barack Obama gave a presidential address on the States’ role in Libya. You can watch him choose his words very carefully here. Of course, some American politicians found fault with it.

4 DANGEROUS KITE FIGHTERS RUIN THINGS FOR EVERYONE IN TORONTO That’s the long and the short of it, really. It’s not far off from when a grade school teacher would take away a toy because a few kids couldn’t play nice with it, but instead, it’s city officials banning some toys because some adults couldn’t play nice with them.

5 COBRA LOOSE IN N.Y.C. And, according to the zoo, it might be weeks before they find it. In the meantime, someone started a Twitter account for it.

6 FARLEY GRANGER DIES 85 isn’t a bad age for someone to go, especially for someone like Granger, who’s got films like Rope! and the classic Strangers on a Train under his belt. You can see the trailer for the later below: