1 SASKATCHEWAN STILL GOING NUCLEAR Recent events in Japan haven’t slowed the Sask. Party from investing in nuclear research in our province. Rob Norris told reporters that they’ll still be looking into small reactor technology.
2 MORE CUTS Ontario’s Liberal government is looking at 13 agencies to “either be merged or axed,” according to the Globe and Mail.
3 BOO OLYMPICS But also “Yay Olympics!” – the Economist is running both sides of an ad campaign in London to start a discussion about the value of the 2012 Olympics. That’s cool and all, but none of it quite has the panache of Geoff Berner’s Olympic theme.
4 “BILLIONAIRE AUTO DEALER AND MIAMI PHILANTHROPIST” MIGHT HELP OUST THE CITY’S MAYOR So reports the New York Times. Miami residents are going to the polls in a recall vote after the current mayor ran into some controversy for raising property taxes, freezing some wages, and using a government car allowance for a BMW. I bet it’s a convertible.
5 YELLOW SUBMARINE TO SAY SUBMERGED The Beatles don’t really need any defending – they can be subjected to any indignity and still come out on top by the sheer magnitude of their contribution to pop music. Still, I’m grateful that Disney decided to shelve any plans for a Robert Zemickis remake of Yellow Submarine, if only to keep one more terrifying motion-capture animated film off the market. It’s a technique the director has been using for a while and with creepy results, such as “when the Jim Carrey-starring A Christmas Carol once more had critics combing their thesauruses for synonyms for ‘lifeless’ and ‘unsettling,'” as writes A.V. Club blogger Sean O’Neal.
6 AT LEAST WE KNOW THEY READ IT BEFORE THEY PUBLISH IT Gawker points out a Washington Post gaff, where the editor’s notes were included in the print edition of the story. Generally, the editor is polite, unlike when Whitworth gets copy from me. All I hear back is, “WHY JAMES WHY. WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO ME.”