Actually, mostly non-Irish will be losing it tonight. I s’pect most Irish view this as a day of reverence to varying degrees. It’s the rest of us (I’m Swiss) that grab on to any excuse to make an idiot of ourselves. So enjoy Regina friends.
On the off chance you’re here in Saskatoon … a couple places that will help you feel like you’re part of something tonight:
Winston’s in the old Senator Hotel. They’re a cool English pub that somehow flips their flag one night a year but they do it up right.
I also recommend O’Shea’s, which is actually an Irish pub on 2nd Avenue, complete with a separate entrance for leprechauns because drunk people like to crawl through it on their hands and knees to make their friends laugh.
I overheard a server at O’Shea’s telling a salesman “no thanks” about a month ago. The dude claimed to be the creator of the watermelon bra and he felt St. Patrick’s would be the perfect occasion for the servers to don his craft work. What a douche. The server politely said, “We’re not that kind of place,” and the goober left. Another reason to love O’Shea’s!
I like Regina’s “O” place too! Enjoy, and “Just say no” to beer with food colouring.