Look! It’s New-prairie-dog-day Katie! Remember Katie? From last time? And the other last time? Today, Katie is stylishly toting her friend Whitney’s Saskatchewan Legislature umbrella! It’s the umbrella with a screen print of the Leg rotunda’s ceiling on the inside. If you’re in the “marble palace” as we political insiders call it, and it starts to rain, you can just whip out this umbrella and, because of the optical illusion of the print, when you look up, it’ll be like you don’t even have an umbrella!!!


Why did Katie bring this umbrella to our office? “It’s for the Saskatchewan budget!” says Katie. (SPOILER: There was a new budget yesterday.)

Well, all I know is, it’s a good thing Katie has that umbrella because it is RAINING PRAIRIE DOGS IN HERE! If Katie didn’t have that umbrella she would be literally buried under the six or seven issues Battlin’ Beatty and Awesome Klassen tossed on her. LITERALLY! (Metaphorically.)

So yes, the new issue is out and it’s full of great things you will want to read. For example:

ROBERT J. SAWYER! He’s the fantastic and amazing Canadian science fiction author  behind the TV show Flash Forward, but what’s really neat is that he’s coming to Regina to talk about stuff. He’s also got a new book out–the third part of a trilogy.  Emily Zimmerman interviews him and it’s great, and you should read her article.

INSIDIOUS! Jorge Ignacio Castillo interviews the writer and director of the new horror film that’s supposedly scarier than Poltergeist. He also reviews the movie. Neat!

CRAZY FOR RENT CONTROL Stephen LaRose and Greg Beatty are a two-fisted team of reporting and analysis looking at the dire state of Saskatchewan’s rental vacancy and high rent rates. Wow, it’s a good piece. You should definitely check it out!

BONUS COLUMN! This issue’s BC marks the return of prairie dog’s most beloved feature, Ask Greg, which we suspended after the 2008 global financial meltdown. What’s Ask Greg been up to? Ask Greg and find out!

And there’s lots more, too. It’s a terrific issue of prairie dog! You should pick up a copy — it’s available at something like 400 locations in Regina. And it’s being distributed AS I’M TYPING THIS! Squeeeeeeee!