Whoops. Kind of missed last week’s TWACH. So to make it up to you, I’m posting a double dose of city hall happenings.

Tuesday, March 1
FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE (4 pm): Looking at a recommendation to expand the renovation of the second floor of city hall. The revised reno work will include moving the server room to the basement at a cost of $625,000. Also looking at some changes to accounting practices with the Fleet Replacement Reserve.

Wednesday, March 2
REGINA PLANNING COMMISSION (4 pm): Considering a zoning change to some land just to the south of the Italian Club at 2148 Connaught St. Seems the city is going to sell that parcel of land to the club so that they can develop it as an outdoor recreation space. (Currently, it’s zoned as a floodway and hence the need for rezoning.) Personally, I like the idea. The Italian Club has already been using that land for outdoor events and whatnot, and by putting up the fence they’re proposing, it’ll keep kids contained and away from the street. Plus they’re thinking about adding a playstructure. I’m also really hoping we’ll see Bocce Ball pitch. Because Regina needs more Bocce.

and as for what I missed last week…

Wednesday, February 23
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE (11:45 am): The committee approved some changes to the discharge of firearms bylaw. In the past, to fire a gun or shoot a longbow anywhere within the city limits, you had to apply to the chief of police for a permit. The bylaw changes exec committee approved change that so that certain groups and individuals are exempt from having to get a permit. The lucky, gun-toting exemptees are pest control officers; peace officers, Conservation Officers or a member of the military; employees of the airport who are dispatching an wildlife unlucky enough to wander onto airport property; gun or archery club members who’re shooting at targets while on club property; someone firing off a blank to start a race; an actor firing blanks as part of a movie or play; and, anyone else that council decides to apply this exemption to.

COMMUNITY AND PROTECTIVE SERVICES COMMITTEE (4 pm): Passed a proposal to clarify the bylaws around encroachments on public parks and green spaces. Turns out, all over the city people are quietly using city property for their own purposes — things like, parking a vehicle, planting a garden, or as a place to put up a shed. The city wants to start cracking down on such behaviour. Sounds like they’ll be pretty even handed in the cracking down. Lots of talk of discussing the situation with offending property owners and working out ways that are mutually beneficial. If you’re curious to know where encroachments have been identified, for lack of a pic of city hall, I’ve attached the map up at the top of this post.

And that’s it. If want to look at full agendas or reports, you can find them on the city’s website.