This is an University of Regina Theatre Department production of a 2003 play by Sarah Ruhl (pictured) which retells the Greek legend of Orpheus from the perspective of his wife Eurydice.

At their wedding, she was bitten by a poisonous snake. Overcome by grief, Orpheus, a renown musician, descends to the Underworld to persuade the gods of that realm (Hades and Persephone) to restore her to life. They agree on one condition.

That’s all I’m going to say, other than to note that I’ve heard that in the play Orpheus uses an elevator to descend to the Underworld. So it seems that this is an imaginitive retelling of the Greek legend.

Eurydice runs at University Theatre Feb. 16-19 at 7:30 p.m. Adult tickets are $15, Students & Seniors $10, while U of R students with ID are admitted for free. For more info call 585-5519.