The co-hosts this year are Anne Hathaway (pictured) and James Franco. The King’s Speech is up for a pile of awards, I know. Same with Black Swan.
Here’s a link to a list of nominees. That’s pretty much all I’ve got as after giving the list a quick perusal I realize I’ve yet to see any of the nominees in any of the categories.
But in our Feb. 24 issue, Jorge weighed in with some thoughts on which nominees would be worthy winners, and which would constitute travesties of cinematic justice. Here’s a link to the article.
One final note, the Quebec movie Incendies is up for Best Foreign Language film. It’s directed by Denis Villeneuve and concerns two adult children who are instructed in their mother’s will to contact their father, whom they’d previously thought was dead, and a brother they didn’t know existed. Here’s the trailer.
As for the Academy Awards, they’re on TV tonight after supper. They used to be on ABC and CTV, but to be safe you better check the listings.