Are you a single lady? Do you trust Z99?
If you answered “Yes” to both those questions, have I got a deal for you. Z99 is looking for five bachelorettes to go out with Pete, seen on the left.
You can see Peter’s profile on the website here. Most of the information on his Facebook profile is restricted, but we can at least confirm that he’s single.
Sound like your cup of tea? Fill out the application! You must include at least five pictures and let them know if you’ve ever had a restraining order filed against you.
And they’re doing it just like the T.V. show, with a rose ceremony and everything. From their website:
Those who come up empty-handed must head home alone. The moment that last rose is handed out is one of joy, relief and disappointment, as only the bachelor can decide who gets at least once more chance at romance. But does he make the right choice? That’s something we debate each and every time! They are all looking for love.