Bang the DrumGreetings, Earthlings! Three excellent songs today. I know, I know, I kinda promised that we’d listen to some bad music and that hasn’t really happened yet. What can I say? I’ll try harder next time.

The District Attorneys of Atlanta sound like what it might have been like if Mick Jagger had quit the Rolling Stones in 1971 and they’d decided to carry on and record Exile on Main Street with Lindsay Buckingham of Fleetwood Mac. The D.A.’s debut EP Orders From… is is available as a free download.
mp3: “Splitsville” by the District Attorneys

La Resistance reminds me of what my British co-worker Phil calls “baggy”, bands of the late 80s/early 90s who had a certain swirly guitar sound that was influenced by Madchester and shoegaze, but much more radio-centric. Jesus Jones, Ned’s Atomic Dustbin, Soup Dragons, Inspiral Carpets. This is what we thought was going to be big until Nevermind hit. It’s mostly forgotten now, so great timing for La Resistance to bring the sound back. You might not be surprised to learn that the band is from Birmingham, but you might be surprised that it’s the Birmingham in Alabama, not England. The band’s debut album, Philosophy, comes out next week.
mp3: “Understanding” by La Resistance

The Pack a.d. have a new video for “Cobra Matte”, the third single off their we kill computers album.

mp3: “Cobra Matte” by the Pack a.d.

Emmet Matheson is a freelance hobo detective who blogs at A Bulldozer With a Wrecking Ball Attached. You can e-mail him at: bulldozerDOTwreckingballATgmailDOTcom