1.) If you missed it, there’s a new poll on our site. The question is “What should be done with Canada’s pension plan.” Yeah I know, real original. Well they can’t all be airport gropes. Besides the Canada Pension Plan is very important and I’ll bet money most Canadians would choose to have their deductions go up slightly to keep them out of poverty as seniors. So go vote! Or better yet, go vote and then contact your MLA and share your concerns.
2.) We have a contest running on the blog for a mystery prize (it’s a mystery to me, too!) In a nutshell, we got a letter from someone suggesting that, since one of our articles didn’t blatantly give free promotion to local shops, ‘well then maybe local Regina businesses shouldn’t advertise in prairie dog, so there!’ Here’s the direct link. You should enter to win whatever this prize will be. I’ll get something that’s not too stupid, probably from a local store that advertises because that’s funny.
3.) Hey if you want to give someone a prairie dog T-shirt for Christmas you’re running out of time! Our tees — designed by News Quirks illustrator Myron Campbell and beautifully printed on premium shirts by FloPrint’s rock and roll silkscreen commandos — may be purchased in our office today and Thursday (1-5 p.m.) and after that we’re closed up! (Well, I’ll be lurking but I won’t be answering the buzzer.) We’ve still got lots of tees left! (And of course, shirts are also available at the good ol’ Novia Cafe.)
Just look! So! Many! Pretty! Colours!