1 IT SEEMED LIKE ONLY YESTERDAY Today marks the fortieth anniversary of one Canada’s most turbulent times, the October Crisis. The Globe and Mail has done a great retrospective on it. Also on this day in history: Kate Winslet was born, just five years after the October Crisis. Coincidence?

2 CAN WE BUILD IT? YES WE CAN! $330.1 million in building permits have been issued in Regina in 2010, just $128 million or so shy of the $458 million from last year, according to the Leader-Post. Here’s my plan: the prairie dog needs to build itself an aesthetic nightmare on par with the New York Times building.

3 NEW TOYS FOR CITY COUNCIL They dance around it – “Naming a particular product for me is not as important as the technology itself” and “We’re not looking at just getting iPads for us” say a couple of city counsellors in a Leader-Post article – and say it’s all about lowering their paper consumption, but I know why the Regina city council is really looking into getting iPads: they want to play Farmville during meetings.

4 FRANZEN FOR A BRIEF MOMENT NO LONGER A FOUR-EYES While at an event promoting his latest novel, Freedom, someone stole Jonathan Frazen’s glasses right off his face, leaving behind a ransom note for $100,000, according to the Guardian UK. The moral of the story: you can touch the face of the Greatest American Novelist and get away with it.

5 CHRISTINE O’DONNELL IS YOU She’s so you that she has to remind you of it twice in her latest campaign ad. Oh, and she’s not a witch:

I wonder why they disabled comments on this one.

6 THEY’RE ALL GROWED UP The Carillon, everyone’s favourite student paper at the University of Regina, has a website now. See it here.