No, just joking. It’s actually White Cowbell Oklahoma (pictured). They’ve been through town before. They’ve played the Gaslight, I’m pretty sure, and probably the Distrikt. Tonight they’re at O’Hanlon’s Pub. They pretty much have to be seen to be believed. So here you go. Ladies and gentlemen, White Cowbell Okalahoma.
As for this gig at Casino Regina, it’s full billing is Bay City Rollers starring Les McKeown. That would seem to indicate that Les is a founding member of the band, perhaps the only remaining one. Sad to say, I’m old enough to remember when the Scottish quntet or whatever first broke on the North American scene. It was 1975 or so, I was in high school. There wasn’t much in the way of video or TV back then, even album distribution was spotty, at least in the small west-central Saskatchewan town where I lived, so radio was a prime conduit for music.
Local radio was country & western, so most kids (that I knew, anyway) listened to rock stations in Saskatoon and Regina (and occasionally at night CFUN in Vancouver if atmospheric conditions were favourable). The song that broke the band was “S-A-T-U-R-D-A-Y Night”. It had a catchy sing-a-long chorus, a decent party beat., and it rocketed up the charts.
I admit to liking it. I even remember having the 8-track. Although I don’t know if I bought it or my brother did. I’d prefer to think it was him. I myself did an abrupt 180 in enthusiasm for the band when I caught them in a much hyped concert on TV. Once I actually saw the band in action I realized they were massively wussy and instantly rejected them.