Tonight at the IMAX Theatre they are presenting a special showing of Evil Dead 2 and Dead Alive (aka Braindead).

The doors open at 8:30 p.m. with Evil Dead 2 starting at 9:00 p.m. and Dead Alive starting at 10:45 p.m. Tickets are $5 a film or $9 for both. There will be prizes. Wear a costume and win prizes like a Special Edition DVD of Evil Dead 2 in a tin collector’s box. Bring a non-perishable food item for the Regina Food Bank to be entered to win door prizes.

Both movies are excellent. I spotlighted both of them in last year’s 31 Days of Horror. You can read them with Evil Dead 2 here and Dead Alive here.

UPDATE: James Brotheridge here, stealing the mic from Shane. I’ve been given free reign of the prairie dog Twitter feed, and will be live tweeting these two gory, gory movies. Be sure to follow us for all the gory, gory details.

I’ve seen Evil Dead 2 plenty of times, but never Dead Alive. When I asked Stephen if there was anything as bad in Dead Alive as the tree rape scene in the original Evil Dead, he responded, “What, sexually? Oh yeah. Definitely.”

For the record, I did not mean sexually, but that still answered my question.