I interviewed Jeff Ines of Yukon Blonde for a preview of their upcoming Regina show. He was a good guy to talk to, and was forthcoming about how bad of a name Alphababy was.

From the piece:

“The whole tour was really eye-opening,” says Ines. “No one remembered our name, and no one liked us. So Jon-Rae was just like, ‘Change your name. Change your fucking name.’ We were like, ‘OK.’”

You can read the whole thing here, but make sure to disregard the date. I, in my infinite silliness, screwed that part up.

Yukon Blonde will in fact be performing with the Wooden Sky on Tuesday, October 5 at the Exchange. Mark it in your fancy day planners. Create a reminder on your BlackBerry. Hold off on trying to RSVP to the Facebook event, though.