We’ll have more on one of the exhibitions that this publication concerns in the Sept. 9 print issue of prairie dog. That would be Green is the Colour: The Art of Rider Pride. It opened at the Dunlop Art Gallery on Sept. 3, and will run until Nov. 14. At the Saskatchewan Sports Hall of Fame, meanwhile, a special exhibit celebrating the Riders’ 100th anniversary called Saskatchewan Roughriders: The Team the Fans Built  is on until Dec. 31.

To mark both shows the Dunlop and Sports Hall of Fame have teamed up to produce the above catalogue. Lavishly illustrated with annotated photos of art from the Dunlop show, along with Rider memorabilia from the Hall, and including critical essays on the football team and the nature of fandom by curator Amanda Cachia, Dr. Gamal Abdel-Shehid, Robert Calder and prairie dog’s Stephen LaRose, the catalogue is hard-cover, and is a whopping 190 pages long.

It retails for $30, and would make a great birthday or Christmas gift for any Rider fans out there who also have a passion, or at least a tolerance, for visual art.