Yeah, sculpting humans out of clay isn’t exactly the most original idea in the world. But as you can see by the accompanying photo, Regina ceramists Anita Rocamora and Debbie Potter certainly give the idea a unique twist.
I haven’t seen this show yet, but definitely plan to before it closes at the Art Gallery of Regina on Aug. 22.
The non-realistic rendering of the woman in the foreground clues us in as to what the show is all about. Instead of striving for anatomical accurary as an artist in the Renaissance might have done, these artists are probing beneath the surface reality of life to explore issues related to inner human emotion and personal identity in contemporary culture.
If you had to pick one word to describe the woman in the foreground, what would it be? Mine would be “haughty”– except for the weird bowl on her head. Unless she’s pretending it’s a crown and she’s a regal queen. In which case, it fits together perfectly.
I know that’s more than one word. But once I get started, I can’t stop talking about art.