Got a press release into the office today from Saskatchewan In Motion announcing that Tuesday (Aug. 24) between 12:10-12:40 p.m. a flash mob in support of active transportation is going to be held. Participants, be they walkers, joggers, cyclists, roller bladers or skate boarders (no motorists please, although public transit users are more than welcome I’m sure), are invited to assemble at the north-west corner of Central Park. A procession will then be held down Scarth St. to Victoria Ave, then west to McIntyre St., then north to 11th Ave, then east to Hamilton St., before heading south again and returning to Central Park. The goal? To demonstrate the joys of physical activity.

Even if you don’t participate, if you see the crew out and about tomorrow, give them a wave. And if you’d like more info call 780-9388.