This week in comics featured the continuing adventures of Wonder “I wear pants now” Woman.

The plot has something to do with someone changing the time-line so Wonder Woman now wears pants, a jacket with shoulder pads and doesn’t remember who she is. This is a lame attempt by DC to boost sales on Wonder Woman and it won’t last long.

While Jim Lee is the culprit for the pants, the mastermind behind this lame story is new Wonder Woman writer J. Michael Straczynski. Straczynski is best known for creating the popular sci-fi series Babylon 5 and he also wrote Amazing Spider-Man for a few years. The run wasn’t bad overall but it ended up having some controversially awful ideas. Some of it can be chalked up to editorial interference but there is still some bad stories there. Green Goblin had secretly knocked up the late virginal Gwen Stacy – WTF!

And how do you trust a writer who came up with Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors? In 1985 Straczynski created Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors for DIC Entertainment. The plot had something to do with a young boy and a magic root. The boy Jayce is trying to find his father and stop the evil Monster Minds – who are evil vegetables that transform into steel vehicles with buzz saws.

The future of Wonder Woman is in the hands of the man that created this.