Because there sure are a lot of them.
It would have been a brutal year anyway, what with all the rain we’ve had, and now some hot, humid weather, but the Saskatchewan government’s decision in the March budget to cut $1.1 million from mosquito-control funding provided to municipalities was obviously an ill-advised move. Yes, it was reversed on June 9. But by that point the situation was dire.
I believe there’s even a sticker circulating (I saw mine on Albert near College) that depicts premier Brad Wall as a blood-sucking mosquito with a bulging proboscis and tiny wings buzzing furiously.
Any other sightings anyone know of?
Should be a slew of Fringe Festival reviews being posted today by myself, Stephen LaRose, Aidan Morgan, Craig Shutko and Laura Chalk. Feel free to take issue with us if we praise/slam a play you feel didn’t deserve it.
And for those looking to take in a little music, there’s a show tomorrow night at the Club. Featured is Kitchener-based band Mockingbird Wish Me Luck. Unless it’s a complete coincidence, which I doubt, the band takes its name from a 1972 book of short stories by Charles Bukowski that explores the frustration and alienation of men trapped by societal expectations and conventions.
Joining Mockingbird Wish Me Luck are Foxwarren, Nick Faye and Fisticuffs. Doors are at 7 p.m., tix are $7. To close, here’s video of MWML doing their song “Hollow Graves”