If you’re looking for prairie dog‘s Global Warming Skeptic’s Declaration, here is a direct link to it. (Or you can click the image at left to download it.)

Until now, it’s been kind of buried at the bottom of a page of our climate science coverage. (If you want to read more of what we have to say on the topic, click the “climate change” tag attached to this post.)

Please, feel free to print off the Declaration and send it to your climate-science denying friends, your local climate-science denying radio pundit, your Conservative MP, Glen Beck. Get them to sign it, send it in to us and strike a blow for (their mangled version of) the truth.

We’ll keep all the Declarations on file and if in 15 years it turns out climate change wasn’t such a big deal, we will, with joy in our hearts and egg on our faces but mostly hearts full of joy, admit we were wrong.

But if global warming turns out to be not just real but catastrophic?

Well, then we’ll know who to blame….

In other Declaration-related news, my conversation with John Gormley about the campaign has been moved to the 10:30 am slot on his show.