1 HOORAY, HOORAY IT’S G20 DAY Police and protesters descend on Toronto. Will it be peaceful? Will there be tear gas, water cannons and general mayhem? Either way, the people who run the world will be going about their business undisturbed. Here’s the news on CBC and in the Toronto Star, the Globe and Mail and the Guardian.

Story of the day might be this one: “Limited G20 Sound Cannon Use Approved”. Man, if I were a cop I’d be complaining to my union about being asked to mess around with supposedly non-lethal, advanced anti-civilian weaponry. Sounds like a lawsuit waiting to happen.

2 SOME WEATHER, EH? Thought my apartment was going to collapse in last night’s hailstorm. Yeesh. CBC Sask has more on yesterday’s wacky weather.

3 I DON’T THINK WE’VE SAID ANYTHING ON THE BLOG ABOUT ROD GANTEFOER LEAVING POLITICS YET The Finance minister is stepping down for health reasons–he has Parkinson’s. Here’s Murray Mandryk’s piece in today’s Leader-Post. Personally, I will miss Stephen LaRose calling the Mr. Gantefoer “Ron” in every damn story he ever filed on the guy.

4 AND THEN THERE’S ALL THIS The European Union Court of Human rights avoids political nightmare by conveniently ruling that gay marriage isn’t a human right, which is horseshit unless you also declare straight marriage isn’t a human right by the way (Guardian). And former Prime Minister Paul Martin, who did a lot to hurt this country, says the G8 has to protect abortion access, which I could not agree more strongly with (Globe And Mail). And Conrad Black might have found his Get Out Of Jail Free card (CBC). And there’s some more speculation on the Jets returning to Winnipeg. (Free Press). And, awww,  a cute widdle kitty-cat gets prosthetic feetsies (MSNBC). And an octopus named Paul picks Germany to beat England on Sunday (Mirror).

5 NHL ENTRY DRAFT TONIGHT! Who will the Columbus Blue Jackets pick in the first round? Will they trade down? I want them to grab Brett Connolly, though that’s not the guy they need and the pick would make no sense at all. But this Jeff Skinner kid sounds good. And the three defencemen–Gudbranson, Gormley and Fowler–sound decent, though not in last year’s defencemen class. (Hockey’s Future) More Columbus Blue Jackets draft news here. I’M SO EXCITED!

6 ONE YEAR LATER Rest in peace, Farrah Fawcett.