Hitting the streets in a few hours will be our June 17 issue. It should be up on the website shortly as well. Once it is, I’ll post a link to the story I did on this documentary that screens tonight and Saturday night at the RPL Theatre at 7 p.m., and Friday and Sunday night at 9 p.m.
It’s directed by Neil Diamond. No, not that Neil Diamond. This Neil Diamond is a Cree filmmaker who grew up in northern Quebec. Chockful of clips from old Westerns dating back to the early days of Hollywood, Reel Injun explores with wit and an appropriate level of dismay Hollywood’s pathetic track record when it comes to representing Aboriginal people in films. Here’s a link to the article I wrote. And here’s the trailer. (YouTube)
Also on tonight is a townhall meeting at Wesley United Church (3913 Hillsdale) on the topic Climate Change & the G20: Not Business As Usual which will feature speakers with first-hand knowledge of how climate shifts are harming developing countries around the world.
Musicwise, Montreal indie post-punk band Nightwood at O’Hanlon’s Pub. David J. Taylor is at Rock Creek out in east Regina, and country legend Ray Price is at Casino Regina. To get the juices flowing for the first gig here’s the video for Nightwood’s song “The Bikerider” (YouTube)