POLICE DISPLAY CHAINMAIL TO JUSTIFY G20 ARRESTS. Toronto police, feeling a bit stung by criticism over their handling of the G20 protests, displayed the stockpile of weapons they’d hauled up in their nets. Only some of it wasn’t weapons at all. My favourite item? Chainmail confiscated from a live action role player (LARPer). Also on display were a chainsaw and a machete, which turned out to be “unrelated,” according to Chief Bill Blair.


HURRICANE ALEX DOING ITS THING IN THE GULF. Tropical storm Alex took that big step and became the first Atlantic hurricane of the season. Oil rigs are being evacuated. Alex is not predicted to hit the site of the oil spill cleanup efforts, but don’t worry – storm season is just getting started.

REGINA’S BOOK AND BRIER PATCH TO CLOSE? Oh my. It looks like the city’s biggest not-Chapters bookstore is shutting its doors on July 31st.

WOULD SIR DESIRE AN UP-TO-THE-MINUTE LIVE STREAM OF THE ELENA KAGAN CONFIRMATION HEARINGS? Most of this will be unbelievably boring, but there’s always a chance that someone will take another swipe at “Upper West Side Manhattan” (hint hint liberal Jews wink wink).

CHRISTIE BLATCHFORD BRUNCHES WITH THE STARS. As live action role players and shoppers and the occasional protester were being herded into cages and arrested, Christie Blatchford had a nice brunch with the wives of the manly G20 leaders, where everyone mingled and munched on watermelon-and-feta squares. “Nicely done, Mrs. H,” Blatchford concludes. I couldn’t have put if better myself.