This film by Montreal director Richard Brouillette deals with some pretty heavy shit related to neo-liberalism and capitalist ideology. Featured is a veritable who’s who of leftist intellectuals: Noam Chomsky, Ignacio Ramonet, Normand Baillargeon, Susan George and Omar Aktouf.

Judging from advance publicity, the basic argument that is advanced is that we, as citizens of a liberal democracy have been brainwashed by a well-financed and sophisticated propaganda campaign into surrendering political control of our economy to a selfish and self-interested financial elite. 

The doc’s 140 minutes long, and runs tonight at 9 p.m. at the RPL Theatre. Here’s an excerpt (YouTube) 

And if you feel like making a night of it at Central Library, there’s an opening at the Dunlop Art Gallery at 7:30 p.m. for Geoffrey Farmer’s sculptural installation Ongoing Time Stabbed With a Dagger. Farmer debuted the piece at Art Basel Miami Beach in December. Judging by the above photo the installation resembles a surreal theatre or movie set rich with narrative potential and featuring kinetic elements that extend the work time-wise.

The show runs until  June 20, and I plan to review it at some point, so keep an eye out.

Also on tonight, Can-Punk legends SNFU are at the Exchange. They’re backed up by Savannah and SheKillsMe. And before the music starts, they’ll be a screening of a new doc on SNFU frontman Chi Pig at 8:30 p.m. $15 adv. Here’s the trailer (YouTube)

Next door at the Club, there’s a special early punk show by Hot Blood Bombers with Battle Snakes and more. To accommodate SNFU they’re going to get going at 5:30 p.m. And later tonight at O’Hanlon’s Pub Winnipeg ska-punkers SubCity are playing.

Finally, the Regina Jazz Society is presenting the John Stetch Trio at LeBistro (3850 Hillsdale St.), 8:30 p.m. $15 members, $20 non-members, students half-price. And tonight and tomorrow night are the final two performances of Lucy Hill’s mask-driven drama Bertha that’s being presented at the Globe Theatre as part of its Sandbox Series.