This is a special concert by the Regina Symphony Orchestra that blends classical with actual circus performances. Not by the musicians, of course, because that probably wouldn’t work out very well. Although I suppose whoever played the tuba could take a run at being a strongman, while the percussionist could maybe double as a juggler. But for safety’s sake, it’s probably best if the RSO musicians stick to what they do best and let the trained professionals of this troupe dotheir magic alongside them on stage.
The concert is tonight at Conexus Arts Centre at 8 p.m. Tix $25-$60. 586-9555. Here’s an excerpt from an earlier performance by the troupe in Arizona. (YouTube)
Also on tonight, Regina metal veterans Dirtbred are playing with Scatterheart, Kelevra and Room 333 at the Exchange. At the Fainting Goat, the Local Onlyz are performing. At the Royal Sask Museum, there’s a special concert by Regina guitar whiz Jack Semple (pictured) at 7:30 p.m. (7:30 p.m. $20. 787-81650. Finally at Casino Regina, Roberta Flack is performing. (8 p.m. $60, $65).