1. NOT A GOOD DAY, MINISTER Shorter Don McMorris: I can’t mislead the Legislature, though Brad Wall says that I can. Who knew? (CBC Saskatchewan) Humble Opinion shows how the minister has lost the faith of the L-P and the S-P.
2. HERE’S TO FAMILY VALUES Courtesy the Huffington Post: “George Alan Rekers, a prominent anti-gay activist who co-founded the conservative Family Research Council, was caught returning from a 10-day trip to Europe with a male escort he found on Rentboy.com, which is exactly what it sounds like. Not to worry, Rekers told the Miami New Times, which broke the story: He claims he learned his 20-year-old companion was a prostitute only midway through their trip, they had no intimate contact, and he hired the young man only because recent surgery means ‘I can’t lift luggage.'” Oh yeah, The Independent has the story too.
3. SHE WANTS HER JOB BACK Helena Geurgis will not go gently into that good political night. (Politics and the Nation)
4. ANOTHER TORY IN TROUBLE A backbench MP for Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s Conservative Party is among those named in a lawsuit alleging a $70-million mortgage scam at the Bank of Montreal. (Canadian Press via The Globe and Mail)
5. SO, BOOBQUAKE DIDN’T DESTROY FEMINISM: Last week’s Top Six included the results from ‘Boobquake” (prairie dog) which was created by a Purdue University master’s in science student. Well, a few feminists got all huffy, which leads to a couple of people, (CarnalNation) including the aforementioned blogger, (Blog Hag) taking the mickey out of the issue.
6. THIS WAS ONLY A MATTER OF TIME: FRANKENWEEDS Some time a go I did a story for Country Guide magazine about zero-till farming, and I was stunned on the advocates’ reliance on Monsanto-based genetically modified crops. That way, farmers could spray Roundup, which kills almost any plant (unless you have the GMO seeds, creaded by none other than Monsanto) instead of cultivation for weed control. Now, it turns out that the crops have spurred the creation of weeds that are also resistant to Roundup. As Marvin the Martian would say, ‘Back to the old drawing board.’ (Crooks and Liars)