Tuesday, April 6
FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE (4:15 pm): First on the agenda are the 2010 Community Investment Allocations which amount to $255,000 — $45,000 for the Canadian Western Agribition, $10,000 for the Royal Red (a national Arabian and Half-Arabian championship horse show), and $200,000 for the University-Industry Liaison Office.

Next up the committee will consider the 2010 budget for the Regina Warehouse Business Improvement District which calls for a mill rate increase to 0.9785, up from 0.8809 last year. The Regina Downtown Business Improvement District budget will also be considered but it will not be calling for any change to the mill rate.

Leases up for extension at this meeting are with Evraz Place, the Regina Plains Museum and the community garden plot maintained by the South Zone Recreation Board.

Wednesday, April 7
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE (11:45 am): Confirming the appointment of Councillor Bryce to act council rep on the Regina Public Library Board. Also looking at a report from the City of Regina Apprenticeship Program.

As always, full reports and agendas are available on the city’s website.