There’s a fair bit of quality music happening tonight. At the Club, local favourite Dave Lang and Linda McRae (ex of Spirit of the West) are playing. The show starts at 8:30 p.m., and it’s $10. Next door at the Exchange, a band called Rusted Dawn is playing. Then at O’Hanlon’s, Arctic are playing with Architects & Builders and Monk in the Monarch.
Theatrewise, Regina Little Theatre is presenting its annual spring cabaret of one-act plays. That runs tonight and Saturday night at the Performing Arts Centre at 7 p.m. $10. For more info call 779-2277.
As far as I know, those are the only events of note going on in Regina tonight. Oh, wait a sec, now that I think about it, there is some other stuff. As part on an extended Earth Day celebration, the 4th Annual Environmental Film Festival and Awards are being held at the Royal Sask Museum at 7 p.m. Films being screened include The Story of Stuff/Cap and Trade/Bottled Water. And tonight’s the kick-off of the three-day Flatland Fantasy gaming convention that’s being held at the Regina Senior Citizens Centre on Winnpeg St.
Gee, maybe I should stop by? I wonder if anyone would be up for a rousing game of Behind Closed Doors. Or maybe we could play Dirty Minds. Man, those are a blast! Kamra Sutra and Tantric Lovers are great fun too. Especially when the person you’re with is like, you know, really hot.
Oh, wait a minute! I’m getting confused here. There is a Flatlands Fantasy event happening April 23-25 at the Seniors Centre. But games that will be played there are more in the vein of D & D, Star Wars Epic Duels, Settlers of Catan and King Arthur’s Noble Quest or whatever.
The board games I’m thinking about, they won’t necessarily be played at, but they almost certainly will be for sale at another event that kicks off a three-day run in Regina tonight. It’s at Conexus Arts Centre. It’s called Taboo: The Naughty But Nice Sex Show.
I actually went last year. I caught the New Dance Horizons’ production Cabane at the Hotel Sask, then headed out to Conexus. Carle had written about Taboo the year before, and I’d joked about going and offering a male take on things.
I went with a female friend, though, so I was kind of constrained in terms of my ability to engage with all the stuff that was happening — if you know what I mean. Although even had I gone alone, I probably wouldn’t have gotten into it too much. It’s not really my scene.
But a lot of other Reginans sure were stoked to be there. The place was packed, and people weren’t just tire-kicking either. They were buying. Dildoes, dongs, vibrators, lubes, lingerie, leather chaps, whips, scented oils, butt plugs, harnesses that looked like jolly jumpers but weren’t, you name it.
Expect more of the same this weekend. And here’s a little something to get you in the mood. (YouTube) And no, I don’t know if the subtitles are in Japanese or Chinese.