As someone whose education is natural science (biology, ecology), and as someone who worked for a local research group which studies climate change on the prairies (PARC), and as a human being who believes in facts, climate change deniers really irk me. Like, make-me-twitch-and-send-me-into-a-spiral-of-madness irk me.
It bothers me that childish, unfounded, fear mongering, opinions are pitted against peer-reviewed, data-intensive, scientifically-rigourous, objective, research as though they are comparable… and the only thing that bothers me more are people who blindly believe the lies.
Luckily there are smart and thoughtful people who stand up for what is scientifically accepted as fact, who take up the challenge of debunking the “debunkers”. Take for example Peter Sinclair who posts his climate “crock of the week” videos challenging the claims made by climate change deniers.
Enjoy this, his latest installment: