Film | by Shane “Richard Thornhill” Hnetka

As Christopher Nolan made the rounds promoting his new movie Dunkirk, he took a shot at  Netflix. “Netflix has a bizarre aversion to supporting theatrical films,” said Nolan. “They have this mindless policy of everything having to be simultaneously streamed and released, which is obviously an untenable model for theatrical presentation. So they’re not even getting in the game, and I think they’re missing a huge opportunity.” Nolan loves theatres, and loves screening his movies on the biggest screens with the loudest sound. Why doesn’t Netflix? How its movies make any money is beyond me. Are they even watched?

The Moustache From Krypton

Warner Bros. is doing reshoots for its upcoming Justice League movie, which Joss Whedon has taken over from director Zack Snyder. (Snyder left the project after his daughter died). Snyder directed most of the film before leaving, so Whedon is just doing reshoots and editing, but it sounds like he’s filming more than a few extra scenes. In fact, it’s so extensive they’re having trouble bringing everyone back, because most of the actors are on new projects.

Henry Cavill, for example, is currently working on the latest Mission Impossible with Tom Cruise. Cavill grew a moustache for his role and Paramount Studios forbids him, in his contract, from shaving it off. That means the lip hair stays during the Justice League reshoots and Warner Bros. will just have to digitally remove it later. All I know is, there’d better be some photos of #moustachesupes on the Internet soon.

Spies And Castles

Cineplex has a couple of special events in August. It’s launched the Studio Ghibli Anime Series, which will show different Ghibli movies over the next several months. First up was Kiki’s Delivery Service, which has already screened. Castle in the Sky is next, on Aug. 27 (English dub) and Aug. 30 (in Japanese with English subtitles). I like that Cineplex is  giving audiences a chance to see the movie the way they prefer to see it. Personally, I prefer the subtitles because movies are better in their original language.

The other movie is part of Cineplex’s Classic Film Series, and it’s one of my favourites from director Alfred Hitchcock. In North by Northwest, Cary Grant is a businessman mistaken for a spy by bad guys who try to murder him. He escapes, but nobody believes his story. He starts looking for the spy that he’s been mistaken for, which takes him on a cross-country chase where he meets the lovely Eva Marie Saint. James Mason plays the villain perfectly. If you’ve never watched this movie, it is a must-see. It’s perfect and awesome.

Shane Hnetka is a made-in-Saskatchewan film and comic book nerd.