lettersPublic? Private? Don’t Care. Just Want More Booze Choices.

Having read and considered ‎Jason Foster’s article about privatization of liquor stores I would like to first commend him for encouraging people to be informed. I live in Regina now, but lived in Edmonton for about eight years where I became somewhat of a regular at places like Sherbrooke Liquor Store. I enjoyed the advanced selection that was offered at that store, and few other stores as well. A good number of stores offer tasting events for every kind of product, insight on what to buy and something for almost every taste.

I would also argue that it is most definitely cheaper to buy booze in Alberta than it is here; however, I know you can find higher prices to support a claim. Only in a system such as we have now where offsale rules the late-night market do you get to pay $20 for a $10 bottle of wine because no other choice exists. Offsales are not that common in Alberta because the stores can operate for a wider range of hours.

The argument I would like to make is: why does SLGA insist on such backward policies? If they really want to retain their place, why not update their rules so that they can choose what to stock store-by-store? Why not address all these issues with flexibility in their policies to allow the SLGA stores to develop specialties and provide an endearing level of service? Try something other than NDP red-brick buildings and train the employees in customer service! (Unions may not instinctively reinforce this!)

I hate politics. I feel certain that the wankers who support the Wall government in this and want to be in the proposed retail liquor ‎market have their names on a list somewhere, which, if true, smacks of crony capitalism, not free enterprise.

I have no problem with keeping liquor public. What I have a problem with is the irony that a supposed group of progressives appears to want to keep everything inside a liquor store from changing and that I am expected to go along with it. I do my best to reward my favourite stores with my business whether they are in North Dakota, Alberta or anywhere else.

In the meantime, I wait patiently for a change, just hoping that better selection and service can be done one way or another.

Ian Bodnaryk

THE FIRST LETTER OF 2015. Yup — Facebook, Twitter and online comments at prairiedogmag.com have killed our letters section, but we’re happy to bring it back from the dead once in a while. So go ahead, send letters by e-mail to feedback@prairiedogmag.com or snail mail to #201-1836 Scarth St., Regina, Saskatchewan, S4P 2G3. Letters will be edited for grammar, spelling, style and length (300 words maximum). Please include your full name, city of residence and a daytime phone number. This page isn’t an open forum — we only print signed letters about Prairie Dog articles and other editorial content (if you have an enlightening anonymous rant, send it to Queen City Confidential). Letters sent to Prairie Dog may also be printed in Planet S, our sister publication in Saskatoon. Next letters deadline is… ahhh, who cares.
